Monday, December 8, 2008

Times ahead

I came back from FOSS.IN/2008 almost one week back, but didn't get enough time to blog in detail about it; reasons being I'd missed one week college!

Writing in few words, FOSS.IN/2008 was awesome! As I'd been a volunteer this time, got to work with one of the best team ever. Have a lot of experiences which I would like to share, but later..

I'm participating in a exhibition at our college. Will be giving talk on Mozilla Firefox and will try to add some more too. Problem is we(students) were told yesterday about exhibition! Lets see how this goes.. Definitely will keep posted on this. Meanwhile any suggestions/comments welcome....


Raza said...

Hey thats really cool Aamod :) !!...even i wanted to be there this time but due to exams coming up , missed out...anyways, hope to be there next time for see u at FOSS.IN 2009 :)

Anonymous said...

And if I'm going to do MCA(nothing is sure as of now), I won't get to come next year. :(
FOSS.IN and MCA exam dates clash every year!